Más información acerca de la Unidad de la Alergia Quirónsalud Costa Adeje

Responsable: IDCQ HOSPITALES Y SANIDAD S.L.U. Calle Zurbarán 28, Madrid (28010) Datos de contacto DPO: DPO@quironsalud.es Finalidad: Atender correctamente a su petición de información Procedencia: propio interesado. Legitimación: Interés legítimo en responder a sus dudas y gestionar sus citas. Destinatarios: los datos personales no serán comunicados a terceros salvo obligación legal o previo consentimiento del interesado. Derechos: Podrá ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, portabilidad y limitación del tratamiento, como se explica en la Información Adicional.

Diagnosis and treatment of the different allergic diseases that affect the adult and child population. The Department of Allergy of Hospital Quirónsalud Costa Adeje studies diseases related to allergic processes that affect the adult and child population. It has an interdisciplinary character with other Departments since in the allergic processes the immune system intervenes and its manifestations appear frequently in the skin and in the respiratory system.

We work with the objective of serving the patient as quickly and efficiently as possible, because we understand that the immediate or rapid detection of the cause of allergy is vital to be able to act from a medical point of view. For this reason, the department has the most modern equipment and technologies and is up to date with the new trends and innovations in Allergology.

The allergic pathology it treats includes, among others, Respiratory Allergy (Rhinitis, Conjunctivitis and Asthma), Skin Allergy (Urticaria, Dermatitis or Atopic Eczema, Dermatitis or Contact Eczema and Photodermatitis), Food Allergy (Food Allergy and Anisakis Allergy) , Latex Allergy and Allergy to the Venom of Hymenoptera Insects (Bees and Wasps).