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Quirónsalud Tenerife Hospital

Quirónsalud Tenerife Hospital is a multidisciplinary medical and surgical centre located in the island's capital, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. It has 181 beds. The hospital spans 11,538 square metres, which are distributed across five hospitalisation floors and three for general services. It has four multi-purpose operating theatres equipped with the latest technology, a Major Outpatient Surgery Department with two operating theatres, an Intensive Care Unit with six stations, and a Dialysis Unit with 18 stations. Furthermore, it has a full image diagnostic imaging service, a digestive system endoscopy service, 14 outpatient consultation rooms, two rehabilitation gyms and a 24-hour A&E service. In addition, it has the most modern haemodynamics and interventional cardiology room on the island and the only Advanced Robotic Surgery Unit in private healthcare in the Canary Islands.

Multilingual personalised care
Agreements with leading international insurers
C/ Poeta Rodríguez Herrera, 138006Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Quality and Excellence
ISO 9001 - Quality system certification
ISO 14001 - Environmental system certification

Outstanding fields

Outstanding fields
Locomotive System Department
Cosmetic Surgery
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Other specialities at the hospital

Other specialities at the hospital
  • Aparato-Digestivo
    Digestive System
  • CirugiaGeenralMetabolica_negro
    General and Digestive System Surgery
  • Endocrinologia-y-Nutricion
    Endocrinology and Nutrition
  • Medicina-Interna
    Internal Medicine
  • CirugiaGeenralMetabolica_negro
  • Neurología_negro
  • Obstetricia-y-Ginecologia_2
    Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Services and facilities

Services and facilities

Quirónsalud Tenerife offers all patients modern facilities designed to guarantee maximum comfort during their stay, in addition to avant-garde diagnostic and therapeutic technology. Every aspect has been considered with a view to providing the best experience possible and as support for our most valuable asset, our team of staff.

Hospital Quirónsalud Tenerife - ServiciosHospital Quirónsalud Tenerife - Servicios

3 suites

10 individual rooms

181 hospitalisation beds

Day hospital

6 operating theatres

1 ICU (6 stations)

1 haemodynamics room

2 rehabilitation gyms


1 Da Vinci robotic surgical system

1 CAT scanner

1 MRI scanner

1 digital mammograph (3D)

8 ultrasound machines

1 densitometer

1 orthopantomogram

Care services

Advanced Robotic Surgery Unit

Pelvic Floor Unit

Obesity and Metabolic Control Unit

General A&E

Sleep Unit

Dialysis Unit

Pain Unit

Traffic Accident Unit

Please note that we can only provide assistance if you are an international patient (non-Spanish national) who:

  1. Holds an international insurance.

  2. Is a private patient, hence without insurance.

For international patients with national insurances, you shall book your appointment at: https://www.quironsalud.com


Please note that we can only provide assistance if you are an international patient (non-Spanish national) who:

  1. Holds an international insurance.

  2. Is a private patient, hence without insurance.

For international patients with national insurances, you shall book your appointment at: https://www.quironsalud.com

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