Carlos Ruiz Escudero

Dr. Carlos Ruiz Escudero

ENT medicine

CV Médicos con centros Carlos Ruiz Escudero

General Information

Dr. Ruiz Escudero has a degree in Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid and is a specialist via MIR in Otorhinolaryngology.

He has worked in public hospitals as an area specialist, and has also practised in private clinics since 1998, and is currently Head of the Otorhinolaryngology Service at Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital, La Luz Hospital, San José Quirónsalud Hospital and Olympia.

His activity within the speciality encompasses all areas, especially middle ear surgery and complex nasal surgery, and he cooperates with neurosurgery services in the endoscopic approach to pituitary tumours and ophthalmology in surgical pathology of the orbit and lacrimal duct.

  • 1997 - Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology at the Dionisia Plaza Medical-Psychopedagogical Center dedicated to the rehabilitation of language, writing and school retardation disorders.
  • 1997 - Member of the Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology PROFESSIONAL CAREER
  • 1998.- Attending physician and head of the surgical area of the Otorhinolaryngology Service of La Zarzuela Hospital.
  • 1999.- Member of the Otology Association "Dr. Olaizola".
  • 2006.- Area Specialist Physician (FEA), Fundación Alcorcón Hospital.
  • 1990.- Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Complutense University of Madrid
  • 1996 - Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology, MIR year 1992, at the National Center for Surgical Specialities.
  • 1994/95.- PhD courses at the Chair of Otorhinolaryngology of the San Carlos Clinical University Hospital, Madrid.

Research and teaching

  • He is an associate lecturer at the European University of Madrid and coordinator of the subject of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervico-Facial Pathology subject for the Medicine degree.
  • He has participated in more than 30 national and international training courses on various subjects in the speciality, including, notably, the participation in the American Academy of Otolaryngology and Rhinoplasty 2003 (Chicago) of Doctors Tardy and Toriumi.
  • He has taught courses on temporal bone dissection, professional disability assessment, tympanoplasty and endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy.


  • Participation in 4 books on tympanoplasty, inner ear, and middle ear surgery.
  • Participation in the Guide to early diagnosis and treatment of childhood hearing loss of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital.

Communications and Presentations

  • 47 papers, posters and videos at national congresses
  • 7 papers, posters and videos at international congresses

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CV Médicos con centros Carlos Ruiz Escudero

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